Welcome! This is ChasingTheFrill's craft blog. Here you'll find progress and finished photos, drawings and other art, food, and sometimes cats.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Bunny Blue

Picked up hand-sewing again and made a bunny. Inspired by The Tiny Tea Party, I made my own pattern and had a go at a teacup rabbit. I don't have minky, so flannel was the closest I could get to the softer parts like the top of the head, ears, and back. While not even being close to the same beautiful quality as her work, I had fun making it.

I'm low on my usual safety eyes and only have a bunch of the smaller kind that are a pain to install because they're so tiny! And maybe because they were super cheap too. Used the same black rhinestones that I use on my bats since I have a lot of them. No nice/thick ribbon means crochet bow.

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