Welcome! This is ChasingTheFrill's craft blog. Here you'll find progress and finished photos, drawings and other art, food, and sometimes cats.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Feverworm Review

Last month I made a small order from Feverworm. I'd seen their work pop up a few times in the Artist Alley and Draw threads on /cgl/ and was absolutely smitten! I love the coloring style and eye sparkles. As soon as I saw the phone straps of Red and Alice, I immediately bought them. Impulsive, sure, since I haven't collected phone charms in a long time, but no regrets! NONE!
I was surprised to see more included in the package besides a business card. There's even a cute little doodle on the printout.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Return of the Bunny Mufflers! And prints!

Chasing the Frill is doing bunny mufflers again! It's been a long time since I've made them, but I've started to miss them and despite it being 90-105 degrees F here, it's slowly, but surely(!) cooling down that maybe I'll be able to wear my personal bunny again. I'm sure it's a lot cooler and more fall like elsewhere, which means (hopefully) people may want a cute bunny to cuddle up with?